the artist

Michael Hurwitz

Michael Hurwitz

Miami, FL

Michael Hurwitz

My work is a determined study in the relationship between structure and design. Of particular interest to me is that the forms evolve in such a way that they both celebrate and sublimate their structural identity. I'm careful not to add elements that are merely ornamental; instead I strive to make the necessary structural elements work in concert to create a cohesive whole. The structure of the piece serving to define its identity often acts as a directive. I also work hard to develop an appropriate surface that will help specifically to support each work.

Often the primary driving force in the work will come from a fascination with, and an affection for, specific materials. From there the piece will evolve initially as a palette of compatible materials that are selected to reinforce each other. This "coming together" generally occurs more as bodies gravitating toward each other than as conscious thought. It's common for me to keep a material of interest within my peripheral vision for years, or decades, before realizing an appropriate pairing for it.  

In general, my goal is to make furniture that enriches people's lives by serving both a functional and an aesthetic purpose. It is my hope that the furniture will last several generations both physically and aesthetically; it has nothing to do with current trends in art, fashion or design.

More broadly, I hope that the furniture I make will offer something to the field at large that is of steadfast quality, enduring and fresh in spirit. I strive to make work that comes from an honorable craft discipline, that is highly evolved and authentic.

Fast Facts

Name: Michael Halvor Hurwitz


Place of Birth: Miami, Florida

Boston University, 1979 BFA

Significant or special training:
One year spent at Massachusetts College of Art, 1974, as a metals major

Notable or memorable instructors or mentors:
Lowry Burgess, conceptual artist; Jere Osgood, and Alphonse Mattia, furniture makers; Leon Collins, rhythm dance; Helen and Al Hurwitz, artists.

Particular field of study or class work:
Furniture design and construction

Admired Artists:
Martin Puryear, Pedr Moos, Shiro Kuramata, Kengo Kuma

Favorite materials or media:
Wood, any type

Gallery Representation (when Convention Center acquired artwork):
Peter Joseph Gallery and Pritam & Eames from 1990-98

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