the artist

William Daley

William Daley

Hastings-on-Hudson, NY

William Daley

Clay, like all primal materials, has personae.  It holds secrets, embeds traditions, and feeds the boundaries that nurture change.  Consequently, materials hold the inherent structure of “the possible becoming.”

Studio time is a kind of morphology: A quickener of tacit cues, which slows down my head to allow “seeping time,” as I work with tools in hand.  I call it practice: The wonderings of If – “If” as add-venturing.  “If” as play, serendipity, or chance.  “If” as the alternatives of un-thought: Intuitions and feelings that morph my parts and pieces into holds.  “Holds” nudge more pro-found possibles for what I thought I was trying to do with “now and then” or “how and why.”

When the power of “If” informs “the possible becoming,” and these inter-restings insist, I have found something useful to pursue and given material evidence to share with others.  I enjoy the rush of moving toward a more telling vessel: One in which the duality of material and spirit whisper the symmetry of wonder we share together.  My thanks to all who help draw the circumference around the center points and assure the future of “the possible becoming.”

Fast Facts

Name: William Daley


Place of Birth: Hastings-on-Hudson, NY

Bachelor of Science, Massachusetts College of Art, 1950. 
Masters of Arts in Education, Columbia University Teacher’s College, 1951

Notable or memorable instructors or mentors:
Teacher: Charles Abbott (Ceramic Artist at MassArt)
Mentors: William Parry (Philadelphia College of Art); Richard Reinhardt (University of the Arts); Marcus Renzetti (Philadelphia College of Art); Petrus Vaskys (University of the Arts)

Particular field of study or class work:
Ceramics, Industrial Design, and Art Education

Major influences/admired artists:
Shang Bronze Forms; Celtic Symbols
Frank Furness; Louis Kahn; Constantin Brancusi; Marsden Hartley; Wayne Bates; Sharon Church; James Makins; Warren Seelig; Lizbeth Stewart; Daniel Dailey; Alphonse Mattia

What artists do you admire?:
Wayne Bates, Sharon Church, James Makins, Warren Seelig, Lizbeth Stewart, Daniel Dailey, Alphonse Mattia.

Favorite materials or media:
Drawing and Ceramics

Gallery Representation (when Convention Center acquired artwork):
Helen Drutt Gallery

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