the artist

Phoebe Adams

Photo Credit: Alexis Elton

Phoebe Adams

Greenwich, CT

Phoebe Adams

My work is full of messages with sideways humor about psychological states. A realism gleaned not from symbolic logic or diaristic narrative but rather from close observation of nature’s peculiarities and human dilemmas. Physical stand-ins for states of mind that exhibit flux: transformations of one thing to another: a merging of messy, inarticulate states. Brancusi meets sci-fi. Metaphors about scale gotten from a lifetime of devoted amateur wanderings in the natural sciences. I have invented forms; manifested in bronze, carved wood, hair, encaustic, fiber, rubber glass that have been formed with the pleasure of my hand.

These pieces approach elegance, which is then subverted. Subverted by their placement, shifting scale or combinations of material coupled with the associations of the imagery itself. Resolutely unheroic, insistently non-polemical. Not resolving, but yoking together supposed binary conflicting dualities such as motion/rest, order/chaos, male/female, attraction/repulsion, nature/man-made.

Recently I have focused primarily on works on paper. The peculiarities of “place” are important. Landscape in motion from weather to the time of day. And it’s light. The nearly muted history of people standing at the same site is part of place. My internal state is the ramekin that holds these perceived elements for the shape that evolves layer by layer. Mixed into these layerings are images of plaid, a human construct from warp and weft. A sense of rapture at the density of natural phenomenon is combined with a darker view of changes and looming danger from our human interventions.

Fast Facts

Name: Phoebe Adams


Place of Birth: Greenwich, CT

1978 – M.F.A., S.U.N.Y (Albany, NY)
1977 – Skowhegan School of Painting & Sculpture (Maine)
1976 – B.F.A. Philadelphia College of Art (Phila, PA)

Significant or special training:

Notable or memorable instructors or mentors:
Isaac Witkin; Lynda Benglis

Particular field of study or class work:

Major influences/admired artists:
Alberto Giacometti; Louise Bourgeois; Charles Burchfield; Eva Hesse; Piero; Constantin Brancusi; Elizabeth Murray; Judy Pfaff; Lynda Benglis

Favorite materials or media:
Bronze, steel, wood, stone, glass, plaster, hair, wax, and paints

School or university affiliation (when Convention Center acquired artwork):
University of Pennsylvania Kutztown

Gallery Representation (when Convention Center acquired artwork):
Curt Marcus (NY, NY)
Locks Gallery (Philadelphia, PA)

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